Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Treacherous, Resilience vs Fragile Earth

This planet has been drooling upon itself crude oil, long before humans decided to develop exploiting gifts from the creation. Naturally created mixture of a cacophony of elements. Mankinds discovery of petroleum was from natures own oozing of that substance directly upon whatever fauna and/or flora happened to have established themselves near those corridors that transported this peculiar substance from those birthplaces at great depths within the secret places of the planet. 

Pipelines are safer than rail transportation. Railways pose numerous potential for worse spill circumstances. 

+Believeittwo I believe the point is to replace fossil fuels with something cleaner and not necessary to transport, such as solar-station download-portals. 

+Karin Lisa Atkinson​​ 
Being a "staunch" advocate for alternative. Recycling since 60's, researching the great expanse of alternative energy sources and/or production, delivery, etc....
There are significant differences between political/corporate types of technology developments vs less visible smaller home grown realistic non entangled with profiteering methods of real, factual sustainable of advanced, more harmonious applications of known systems. 
Point is these issues need to be addressed by disclosure of unbiased facts. Many awesome alternative methods likely not getting into trendy conversations of this modern civilizations average members. Sadly there seems to be these wide swinging of extremes between no technology individuals to people rampaging with technology being careless for anything getting in the way. 

+Believeittwo The non-political grassroots people are often made up of a diverse group of like-minded people including engineers and emerging new technology developers. These days it is quite changed, often we are the ones who are asked to present the newest innovations along with field tested alternatives to politicians for governmental support or competitions for funding. Quite often it is the public who funds next generation technology via internet fund raising campaigns at various stages including concept, incubation, start-up and then roll-out to the commercialization stage for hand-over to the public to use. The politicians, as public servants, are not leading anymore - but responding to their public's lead whose needs are supported by technology innovators. 

+Karin Lisa Atkinson​ 
Certain aspects of your comment are valuable and have validity towards the alternative uses of many resources. 
Further research into various alternative energy methods and applications and particularly two of such will reveal benefits aren't sustainable or nonexistent outside of subsidies, government or private. 
Specifically, the gargantuan types of wind generators. Known inside the industry and not hidden, more appropriately not being openly discussed. Those monstrosities aren't cost effective to produce enough energy to replace energy amounts required to build and install or construct them. 
Similar issues are related to ethanol production from biomass. However one having some promise being the algae method of which my current knowledge about the progress of this ideas isn't up to date. 

+Believeittwo My issue with algae is that it is alive and so capturing a life form, forcibly containing it, and then converting it into something other seems like a primitive non-solution to me.

About 10 years ago I talked with many Universities and businesses innovating both "algae and microbial harvesting to create energy technology". At that time "this way seemed" more effective than other alternatives. But ethics must play a part in where we channel the public's money and consciousness.

Absolutely it is the people's money that pays for everything on this planet - including the good and ugly of where we are in human consciousness, compassion and comprehension of our time at this moment in our planet's history. It is our imaginations, and the imaginations of the next generation, that we need invest the most and ethically. 

+Karin Lisa Atkinson​​ 
The concept of exploiting living organisms in my mind is extremely diminish near the level of insects. 
Although I don't believe in killing any living entities without maximizing the usefulness of all parts of the life extinguish by intentionally efforts. Microbiological organisms don't give a hoot about overtaking your immune system and biodegrading your being back into dust of this earth. 
Your immune systems are continuously actively battling invaders of your body, for your survival everyday. 
The earth isn't fragile, spewing  massive volcanic eruptions upon the surface and into the atmosphere. Plate tectonics release hugh energy, which are realigning, reshaping, square miles of terra ferma, destroying high levels of florals and fauna. Weather patterns disrupt many inhabitants of the planets surfaces. Eroding Megatons of geological formations. 

These people are motivated by the fragile earth ideology. Believing humans are the greatest perpetrator of atrocities against this planet. Therefore their agenda has intentionally developed around the idea of diminishing human population.
Ironically their theories of fragile earth, isn't founded on legitimate recognition of the catastrophic events of earthquakes, volcanoes, atmospheric events, all creating greater damage then mankind's manufacturing has.
The earth does recover in time from it's own destructive forces, yet those individuals seem unaware or intentionally ignore those facts.
Point they will enjoy hearing of potential extinction of humans and not sway from their trajectory without understanding the true durability of this planet. 

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