Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Blame or Resolve Erroneous Trajectory

The end is near, covering up all these cute bright eyed wild fantasy phantoms of previous generations grand scheme to make them pay.
Public and private sector pension funds being insolvent nation wide, largely unreported by mainstream media. Court ordered reduction of retirees benefits by up to 66% already happened in Midwest county.
The rich are taking there money to nations with citizenry less inclined to misuse legislative powers to steal resources from them. Ha haha

Facts are everybody is a capitalist rather they're aware of the fact is another story. Everybody is selling themselves to a market, although some chose to do such through collective bargaining, others do quite better negotiating their own, "Pro se".
Interesting how 90% of planets inhabitants aren't participating in the 1% owners game. Always out beyond the parameters of modern society are those basically living a hunter gathering life. Banksters only manipulate individuals who give up those basic survival skills. The one percent know this, however the commoners never catch on to those ideas.
Foxtard and leftist are playing their own hand in the same game. 

Buying power of U.S. dollars hasn't improved since 1965 by some estimates. Traditional middle class family contained one wage earner. Contemporary middle class families have two full time wage earners, which creates the buying power one had years ago. Contemporary middle class can't be compared to traditional without including the requirements of two wage earners being needed to achieve that income levels of bygone days.
Point being is millennials know about the promises about being in a bright happy future that has never arrived. Exactly why the gun control laws intended to confiscate weapons. The youth owe for all that extravagant of parents and grandparents. Ha haha

Actually those not knowledgeable in self sustainable survival skills are the ones who will be starving for the next meals. Clubbing the weakest, shunning weakness, culling their tribe members.

I know of a young American adult who single handedly took down a full grow deer with a spear. Your wrong about the abundance world wide on this planet. The Native Peoples had all the knowledge of sustainable living off the land. Possible why their lifestyle was disrupted to a point of dependency on the bankstirs society. As mentioned before can't manipulate individuals who know how to survive at the bottom. 


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